Monday, November 3, 2008

The internet has returned! (to me)

So nice to be able to read the news from under the blankets again!  
(especially now that it's cold out.)  (and, invariably, in.) 
So, now it's convenient to put stuff up here again..  
I've been trying to decide what to do with this blog for a while now, since i'm no longer in Bolivia. 

The things i've come up with are: 
- an art blog (basically i'll put up a drawing every day.) 
- a second language blog (i think i need to write in french and spanish if i want to push those languages to a new level.) 
- maybe still a little bit of info about what i'm up to (i'm sure my mom, at least, still wants to know)
- a way to reference/pass on stuff i find on the internet that excites me. 

So, i think i'm gonna generally aim for these things, and see which ones end up working out.  
If anyone is still reading this (after months of inactivity i've got humble expectations), give me your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

You could tell us about what you're up to, in French, with a drawing to make it pretty. Everyone wins!

notime said...

yeah do the everyday drawing!

Scott said...

Im using tumblr ( on my blog ( It automatically posts my various rss feeds to my blog. So I use and digg to post my links, for my music, you could use flickr for your pictures, and it also has nice tools to post other things (including text).