Thursday, February 3, 2011

oh hai can we be friends kthx bye.

sometimes when i'm walking around the neighborhood i see folks who are wearing all black, but who don't have what i think of as the typical anarchist aesthetic. usually they're either native folks or people who maybe look like they listen to hip hop or something. but, when i see the all-black uniform, i instinctively hope that we are somehow on the same side, that maybe they also have some anarchist tendencies, whether or not they identify as anarchists. (native folks do have, afterall, even more reasons to hate the gov than the rest of us)

i also have this reaction to neck tattoos. there's just something about a neck tattoo that says "i don't give a fuck," and i kinda secretly like it.

of course, i could be entirely wrong about all of this, and if the shit hits the fan i probably shouldn't just assume that i can trust everyone who wears black.

but still. it's strangely reassuring.

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