Monday, January 31, 2011

working vs being employed

okay, so i got a job. i'm not going to talk about that because my job is not my life and i refuse to acknowledge its presence beyond the necessary (being there, getting paid.)

what's sort of depressing about it is i make almost as much in two hours of busking as i do in a six hour shift of the job.

and the job conflicts with the busking. this may not last long.

but, something exciting, after existing for almost a year and receiving daily attention from us for two or three months, our (dandy's and my) etsy store is starting to be active pretty regularly. until this month we sold about one thing per month. in january we sold ten?

which means we're still not rich (only two of those sales were worth more than 2.50 to us) but that we're gradually becoming self-sustainable. fuck you, employment. this relationship is doomed to fail and i can't wait.


Ryonikis said...


Can I ask where you got a job at?

Celeste said...

i waaaaaas working at ye olde customer service call center. (24/7 in touch)
mandate of the company: mock and ignore the needs of all clients and employees.
glad that's over. :)