Wednesday, December 12, 2007

...when i saw the electric cross i was secretly pleased.

It took a few days to notice it, but i was walking home one evening and there it was, on the hill ahead of me:
A huge, bright white lit-up cross.

I've always found the one in montreal sort of weird, (it's a religous symbol, looming over you, everywhere. it's made of cold hard steel and glowing white filaments. it's surrounded by an evil looking iron fence with sharp points curved outwards towards potential interlopers. it doesn't really seem to embody the ideals that christianity claims to stand behind.)

So, when i saw that Sucre also had a giant electric cross, i wasn´t that surprised. It is a catholic country. Maybe there's a factory somewhere that mass produces them. And secretly, i was sort of happy. It does, afterall, remind me of home.

(oh, and pictures coming soon, really.)

1 comment:

invivum said...

Posted at 5:30 am? Better set your timezone or go to sleep.

Thinking of those words you're using "... remind me of home": is your home Montreal?